Photograpy as Profession

Photograpgy as Profession

What is photography?

Photography is creativity of capturing images by camera.

    Capturing light into camera.

Photos captured from mobile:-

Captured by:- Shekhar Mahatoliya

Captured by:- Shekhar Mahatoliya

   You can capture photograph (wavelength       of light) human eye unabale to see.

  • First image captured in 1826 in france.

Colour photography became popular in 1930's.

Types of photography:-

  1. Abstract photography.
  2. Adventure photography.
  3. Architecture photography.
  4. Astrophotography.
  5. Black and White photography.
  6. Boudoir photography.
  7. Candid photography.
  8. Cityscape photography.
  9. Commercial photography.
  10. Composite photograpgy.
Creative photography.

There are many types of photography, if you have a creative mind with a camera so, you can start your career as photographer.

Photography as passion:-

Can photography is can be like profession?

The answer is

Yes,Nowdays many people earning in lakhs in month from Photography.

First benefit is you can start your profession in teen age ,when you were a student and earn.

You can start your business as photographer.

You can sell photos captured by you.

You can create your website for taking contract from different regions.

You can become a wildlife photographer,if you have inereset in capturing photos of wild life.

Make collection of photos of same nature and sell according to customer need.

All photos captured by :- shekhar Mahtoliya

For all photos visit to:-


If you like photos so, follow him on instagram for  more photos


Every startup need regularty whether you are a Photograher orArtist.If you are regular in you work your chances to sucess
